Upcoming episodes
Mar 29th
Ultimate Outdoor Theatre
Frustrated by the poor movie watching experience inside the cottage, Brothers Andrew and Kevin dream of having an outdoor movie theatre setup, and this weekend they set out to realize that dream. They want something that is portable, can be hidden when not in use, is protected from the elements, can function as a music system when not being used to watch movies, and above all, is easy to set up and take down. Settle back with a bag of popcorn and watch as the brothers, together with some help from Walker, premiere their Ultimate Outdoor Theatre.
Mar 29th
Ultimate Fire Pit
For brothers Andrew and Kevin, the heart of their cottage has always been the fire pit. It’s the epicentre of all cottage weekends and the place where laughs are loudest and memories are made. Food, fun, and fire all revolve around this simple hole in the ground. The brothers understand the importance of such a location and set about constructing one that is fitting of the ultimate cottage. From log chaise lounges to suspended fire pits, the bros set their imaginations ablaze. What emerges from the ashes is truly the Ultimate Brojects Fire Pit.
Mar 29th
Ultimate Outdoor Shower
Brothers Andrew and Kevin arrive at the cottage with autumn colours on the trees and a plan to tackle one of their most important cottage projects yet: the Ultimate Outdoor Cottage Shower. The brothers dream of a shower with a view of the lake and an open roof to see the stars, a destination shower where they can relax and wash off a hard day’s work.
Mar 29th
Ultimate Playground
Under direction from their wives to build a play area for the kids, the boys tackle the ultimate playground. Having unleashed their inner eight year-olds in creating a cottage playground for their children, brothers Andrew and Kevin realize they’re actually making one for themselves. The boys hurl themselves headlong into slack lines, zip lines, teeter-totters and a man-sized version of a baby bouncer, proving the old adage that while growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.
Mar 29th
Ultimate Hot Tub
Growing up, “hot tubbing,” meant a bathtub in their front yard fed with a garden hose. Inspired to set things right, brothers Kevin and Andrew get to work on designing and building the Ultimate Cottage Hot Tub. With a lust for unobstructed nighttime stargazing, Andrew pushes his brother towards making the hot tub amphibious so they can float out onto the lake in style to view the stars. With their life jackets and frosty drinks loaded on board, the boys set sail for the adventure of a life (or death) time.
Mar 29th
Ultimate Smokehouse
The cottage of brothers Andrew and Kevin lacks a ‘man’tuary: a place to sit, watch fire cook meat, drink liquids that burn your belly, and generally look busy while doing next to nothing. While sweeping the chimney in preparation for the winter in between sips of bourbon and nibbles of smoked salmon, inspiration hits the boys — what if they combine a smoke shack with a bourbon bar? The smoker is the perfect 'smoke screen' that will allow the bros to hit the bar while their wives think they are working hard on preparing food for dinner.
Apr 5th
Ultimate Ice Fishing Shack
The lake at the cottage is not open for winter fishing so the brothers Andrew and Kevin decide they need a mobile ice fishing shack they can haul into the middle of a frozen lake. But it’s not just going to be any old shack — the brothers, together with their engineer pal Walker, are aiming for something that can rightfully be called the Ultimate Ice Fishing Shack.
Apr 5th
Ultimate Hockey Rink
A weekend winter getaway has been a family cottage tradition for brothers Andrew and Kevin for years. Their friends come in force looking to beat the winter blues with a healthy dose of crisp winter air and good-natured banter. This year, the brothers decide to build the Ultimate Hockey Rink to keep the masses entertained. Complete with rink side food and bevies, a lawnmower-turned-ice resurfacer, and their very own trophy — The Manly Cup — this promises to be a spirited game of stick and puck that rivals the pros in entertainment value.
Apr 5th
Ultimate Breakfast Bar
Warmer days and cold nights bring brothers Andrew and Kevin to the cottage with sweet dreams on their minds and maple syrup supplies in their hands. Having always wanted to take part in this quintessential springtime food harvest, the brothers are armed with ambition but not a lot more. Luckily, their trusted engineer pal Walker is along for the ride to help keep the boys on track. Together, the trio set out to create the Ultimate Breakfast Bar: a homemade sap evaporator that, in true Brojects fashion, is more than meets the eye.
Apr 5th
Mobile Mini Cottage
With springtime just around the corner, the anticipation of warm weather and longer days gets brothers Andrew and Kevin dreaming about adventures they can do in cottage country. With plenty of beautiful beaches, pristine parks, and lakeside campgrounds scattered throughout the area, the boys decide that they need to be able to take their cottage with them on their adventures. Thus, is born the Brojects Mobile Mini Cottage.