
September 21st


Combat Dealers


Things are not going well for Bruce Crompton. His wife is threatening to clear out the messy warehouse where he stockpiles his military kit; he paid well over the odds for a rusty shell of a German Army transport vehicle; and the twins can’t fix a WWII vehicle called a Kübelwagen, made by Volkswagen. But his luck is due to change. In amongst the clear out he finds an incredible pair of trousers made in a German concentration camp, that are worth thousands. And a Military historian discovers the rusty shell he bought is not just rare, but unique, and worth a mint.
Combat Dealers

Most Daring

Cheating Death

Producer Bruce Nash ("Most Shocking") is behind this adrenaline-fueled series that features civilians and law enforcement officers in risky, selfless rescue missions. Each one-hour episode presents an account of a rescue effort from the dual perspectives of hero and victim.
Most Daring

Most Daring

Madness & Mayhem

Producer Bruce Nash ("Most Shocking") is behind this adrenaline-fueled series that features civilians and law enforcement officers in risky, selfless rescue missions. Each one-hour episode presents an account of a rescue effort from the dual perspectives of hero and victim.
Most Daring

Most Daring

One False Move

Producer Bruce Nash ("Most Shocking") is behind this adrenaline-fueled series that features civilians and law enforcement officers in risky, selfless rescue missions. Each one-hour episode presents an account of a rescue effort from the dual perspectives of hero and victim.
Most Daring


Dead Tired

February 12th, 2009 — Two hours behind schedule and nearing the end of its 53-minute trip from Newark, New Jersey, Continental Connection Flight #3407 is approaching Buffalo-Niagara International Airport. Flying through snow and strong winds, the pilots can see the lights of the city below, but as they lower their landing gear and extend the flaps to slow the plane, the control column suddenly starts to shake. It’s a warning that the plane is about to stall. The captain struggles to keep the plane flying but the out-of-control aircraft suddenly plummets towards the ground and crashes into a suburban home. It is the worst US crash in more than 7 years, but with a raging fire consuming the wreckage, can investigators determine what went wrong?


Hudson River Runway

January 15th, 2009 — Just minutes after taking off from New York’s LaGuardia Airport, United Airlines Flight #1549 collides with a flock of birds. Both engines suddenly lose all thrust, and the Airbus A-320 begins falling from the sky. The crew desperately tries to restart their engines, but can’t. With New York on one side and New Jersey on the other, Captain Chesley Sullenberger is running out of options. Searching desperately for a place to land, Sullenberger warns passengers and crew to brace for impact and tells the control tower that he will be ditching the plane in the icy waters of the Hudson River. Amazingly, all 155 people on board survive, and investigators try to determine how birds could have crippled two of the world’s most advanced jet engines. Can they prevent it from happening again?

Swords: Life on the Line

Storm of the Century

With Hurricanes Igor and Julia bearing down on the fleet, each captain has to make a decision to either stay on the fishing grounds and risk their crews’ lives for a paycheck, or head for the safety of the docks and deal with losing valuable fishing time. The 55-foot fiberglass Big Eye is no Grand Banks boat, and Chompers is forced to put his season on hold with just one haulback’s worth of fish in his hold. To add to his bad luck, Chompers is caught off guard when the brunt of the storm meets him at the dock in Trepassey. The crew of the Big Eye scrambles for hours to keep the boat from crashing into the rocks, but once docked, the tiny vessel isn’t secure. Battered by hurricane-force winds, a cleat securing the Big Eye to the dock gets ripped from of the side of the boat and nearly ends deckhand Woody’s season. On the Eagle Eye II, Captain Scotty is able to lay 40 miles of mainline in the soon-to-be tumultuous seas. After putting a small trip aboard the boat and coming to terms that his boat and crew are right in the way of the intensifying storm, Scotty makes the decision to play it safe and head to the dock to offload and ride out the storm. Unfortunately, Hurricane Igor, like Scotty, takes a turn for land, forcing the crew to batten down the hatches and hold on tight as the storm exerts its great strength at the dock. Distinguished veteran Linda makes a last-minute decision to follow the rest of the fleet to the docks when suddenly she receives a phone call informing her that the hurricane is headed for land rather than the fishing grounds. Despite this information, Captain Greenlaw decides to ride out the effects of Hurricane Igor. The 200-ton Hannah Boden finds itself in yet another vicious storm and Kenny Puddister is reminded of the nightmare he lived through while riding out the “Perfect Storm” on the Hannah Boden.
Swords: Life on the Line

Swords: Life on the Line

With Friends Like These

This season, Captain Linda is determined to be the top boat…whatever it takes. Hurricane Igor wasn’t a good enough reason to leave the fishing grounds, and her valiant decision has left her and her crew on the best fishing spot. Looking out for her crew’s best interests, Linda refuses to share her hot spot with any of the other captains and ends up with a stellar haul back putting her above the rest of the boats in the fleet. With a now empty fish hold, Scotty steams the Eagle Eye II back to the Grand Banks after riding out the hurricane at the docks. As they arrive back on the fishing grounds, Scotty finds Linda firmly planted on the spot he was fishing before the storm. Hoping Linda will return the favor, Scotty asks if he can share the sweet spot with her. To his dismay Linda declines, leaving him scrounging for a place to fish amongst a fleet of boats. Also on the Grand Banks searching for a spot to fish on the crowded fishing grounds is the Big Eye. Already behind the rest of the fleet and thousands of dollars in debt, Chomps and his crew are desperate to see some fish on the line. Knowing that Scotty has been successful in previous seasons, Chomps tries works with the Eagle Eye II in order to find the payday they are looking for. Scotty agrees but with one condition—a condition Chomps isn’t ok with. 1200 miles south on Georges Bank, the Frances Anne continues to pick away in hopes of putting a decent trip aboard the boat. Early into the haul, deckhand Lemmy suffers a severe injury, but it is quickly swept under the rug. Captain Slick has no time for crybabies and injuries. As the day progresses, Lemmy's pain becomes intolerable forcing the Frances Anne back to the dock earlier than crew expected.
Swords: Life on the Line

Swords: Life on the Line

Charlie Foxtrot

Bittersweet is the word on the Frances Anne. Lemmy’s injury forces them to the dock early, but they offload 16 thousand pounds, leaving each deckhand with a pretty penny to put in their pockets. Boat owner, Rick Mears, pulls Lemmy off the Frances Anne until his finger is healed. Lemmy is replaced and the boat and crew head out for their second trip of the season. On the Hannah Boden, Linda receives a lucrative offer for her catch if she can offload by the end of the week. With a deadline in sight, the crew to races to pull up their last 40 miles of gear. Though the price offered for her fish puts more cash in the crew’s pockets, it is little consolation for deckhand Carl Maxcy who has had enough of Kenny’s poor work ethic. When at the dock, the Hannah Boden offloads their catch and one crew member. Hoping to continue their good luck streak, the Big Eye steams to the beginning of their 40 mile mainline when all hopes of having a smooth day are dashed as the buoy that signals the end of the gear was placed somewhere in the middle of the mainline. Captain Chomps blames greenhorn Matt and takes his anger out on the rest of the crew as well. Because of the greenhorns mistakes the Big Eye is behind the eight ball once again. A costly mistake is made on the Eagle Eye II as deckhand Tommy Fox loses a day because of a rookie move. It’s halfway through the season and losing a fish could mean losing the top spot. Though Scotty is competitive, he is quick to remember that there is more to fishing than being number one. In the wheelhouse, Scotty remembers his friend, John Bachorowski, who took his place on the Hannah Boden a few decades ago and lost his life in an unfortunate event.
Swords: Life on the Line

Food Factory

In the Hot House

Discover how sweet plump tomatoes, perfect muffins, breath saving candy, and the richest tasting gnocchi gets to the masses. From raw materials to finished products, Food Factory reveals the wonders of how food is really made.
Food Factory

Food Factory

Come Fly With Me

Discover how slow cooked bagels, delicious airplane food, crunchy multigrain Sun Chips™; and the tastiest organic vegan carrot cake gets to the masses. From raw materials to finished products, Food Factory reveals the wonders of how food is really made.
Food Factory

Food Factory

Gone Fishing

Discover how succulent rainbow trout, crunchy roasted cashew nuts, expertly sliced apples, and unspeakably tasty peameal bacon gets to the masses. From raw materials to finished products, Food Factory reveals the wonders of how food is really made.
Food Factory

Food Factory

A Griller Thriller

Discover how chewy granola bars, tasty BBQ veggie medleys, rich blue cheese, and hearty rice cakes gets to the masses. From raw materials to finished products, Food Factory reveals the wonders of how food is really made.
Food Factory

Food Factory

Like Momma Makes

Discover how perfect frozen pizzas, creamy spreadable butter, versatile organic mushrooms, and rich mini quiche florentine gets to the masses. From raw materials to finished products, Food Factory reveals the wonders of how food is really made.
Food Factory

Food Factory

Flour Power

Discover how cranberry covered goat cheese, whipped creamy strawberry shortcake, perfectly ground wheat, and pickled herring gets to the masses. From raw materials to finished products, Food Factory reveals the wonders of how food is really made.
Food Factory


The Floating Ice Cream Bike

It's another summer day at the cottage and for brothers Kevin and Andrew, there's no better way to stay cool than with a quick dip in the lake followed by a scoop of ice cream. Of course, what would make it even better is if they didn't have to wait until they came back ashore to partake in tasty frozen treats. Starting with an old ice cream bike, the boys are attaching a table, benches, a soda fountain, and floatation to create a seaworthy ice cream parlour for serving up ice cream floats in the middle of the lake. Decorated in a fun shark theme, the BrojectsFloating Ice Cream Bike is sure to make everyone in the water scream for ice cream.


The Ultimate Bread Oven

While brothers Kevin and Andrew may be a little short on food up at their lakeside cottage property, they're not starved for ideas on how to solve their dilemma. Since the foundation of a delicious sandwich is great bread, the boys are sinking their teeth into the Ultimate Bread Oven: a barrel-vault wood-fired brick oven that not only looks impressive but also produces exceptional artisanal loaves. Piling brisket and chicken into the smoker and whipping up a feast of homemade toppings, fillings and spreads, these bros are rising to the challenge -- better bring an empty stomach and plenty of beer!


The Ultimate Floating Fire Pit

Campfire sing-alongs are the highlight of the cottage experience for brothers Kevin and Andrew at their lakeside family retreat and this weekend, they've invited guests from all around the lake for the ultimate end-of-summer hootenanny. Always seeking new ways to make a splash, the bros are moving their fire pit from land to water and floating their jamboree out onto the middle of the lake. It's not going to be smooth sailing but they're going to try with a little help from their friends -- their engineer pal Walker is on the way and he's bringing his own brothers along for the ride. Time to tune that old guitar and grab a paddle, the Brojects Ultimate Floating Fire Pit is ready to rock!


Ultimate Swim Raft

Swimming in the lake is an essential part of the cottage experience but the brothers need a swim raft….the ultimate swim raft. Andrew and Kevin retreat to the drawing board eager to fix the situation. They quickly come to the conclusion that their new swim raft will need to be self-propelled so that it can be moored both at the shore as well as in the middle of the lake where the swimming is prime. Together with their engineer pal Walker, the boys decide to build the Ultimate Swim Raft, complete with benches, a cedar pergola, a hammock, a solar-powered motor, a trap-door cooler, a retractable anchor.


The Chair Ski

Brothers Andrew and Kevin have always wanted to combine their two favourite activities at the cottage: water sports and relaxing on their deck chairs. The boys concoct yet another one-of-a-kind Brojects creation: The Chair Ski – a deck chair on water-skis that can be towed at break-neck speeds with a motorboat. As always, Andrew wants to take it one step further and decides to add a jump, and as always, Kevin disapproves. Join the boys on as they embark on their wackiest (and wettest) adventure yet.


Ultimate Pizza Oven

Brothers Andrew and Kevin want to create the ultimate Margherita and Margarita experience: fresh, piping-hot Neapolitan-style Margherita pizzas paired with tasty frozen Margarita cocktails. The brothers, after consulting with their engineer pal Walker, set about converting a potbelly charcoal BBQ into a pizza oven and an old exercise bike into the human-powered blender. With friends and family on the way, the boys are in a race against the clock to get their outdoor kitchen ready in time for the big party.

Bering Sea Gold

Bad Vibrations

The dredging season is quickly coming to an end, and so are once trusted relationships between Zeke and Emily as well as Scott F. and Ian. Shawn sends crewmember Robbi packing while Scott M. swallows his pride and invites Steve R. back. But will he accept?

Bering Sea Gold

The Bitter End

Winter sets in. The now short-staffed crews try to go out once more before the ice blocks them in. Each on their own, Emily salvages and Scott M. finds salvation. The crews take their earnings and face off at an auction for next year's dredging grounds.

Bering Sea Gold

After the Dredge - Risk

That gold dredging is risky goes without saying, but the details of that risk are what make the dredger’s stories so compelling. RISK starts off with an overview of what exactly it is that gold dredgers do and the daily peril they put themselves in. We then move on to the mechanical failures that are inevitable during dredging and what the consequences of those breakdowns could be. Next we clear the table of all but the crew of the Wild Ranger. Sparks are sure to fly when Scott, Steve and Vern are forced to confront each other for the first time since their ill fated and often contentious 2011 gold season. The Pomrenkes will spearhead a discussion on the challenges of dredging when family dynamics are thrown in the mix. Zeke & Emily then take the stage alone to hash out the pitfalls of sexual tension and unrequited love on The Bering Sea. Finally, the gang will discuss the difficulties of squeezing the last few days out of the season once the Winter ice closes in on Nome.


Utah Canyonlands 

The spectacular red landscapes of Utah’s Canyonlands are as beautiful as they are inhospitable. Like outlaws of old who were known to eat their own horses out of desperation in this forlorn place, Stroud will cannibalize the mountain-bike he has ridden into the middle of nowhere. As well as these scavenged bike parts to aid him, he also has a multi-tool, a magnesium flint stick and an old energy bar that he uses for a purpose other than eating.


Plane Crash 

In the remote winter bound forests of Northern Ontario, a crashed plane lies in the snow beside a frozen lake. But this plane didn’t crash here. The plane wreck has been air dropped from a helicopter to provide the perfect conditions for Survivorman to simulate being the victim of a plane crash. For a week Les will have to survive in this brutally cold and snowy wilderness with only an axe, multi-tool and a single blanket to aid him.


Lost At Sea

Living “off the land” takes on a new meaning as Survivorman Les Stroud casts off for a week at sea. With no food and only a bare minimum of equipment, Les will be set adrift in an inflatable life raft off the coast of Belize. Battling hunger, thirst and the Caribbean heat, he must also keep his cameras dry to film the ordeal. To top it off, not only does the life raft have a few bad water leaks, needing constant bailing but it also leaks air, requiring Les to frequently re-inflate it using only a hand pump. Survivorman is in for a busy 7 day adventure.